505-473-3534 | 24 Hr. Fast Emergency Response

Commercial & Residential services. FREE ESTIMATES!

Family owned & operated for over 25 years.


I have been a customer of Carpet Works for over 10 years.  I find their work to be excellent and their customer service equally so.  When you find a company whose employees know what they are doing, it's worth hanging on to them.

Marina Y.,

I just wanted to let you know of the good results from your carpet cleaning guys.  It was my first experience with your company and it won't be my last!  It all started out well with good communication, punctuality and performance.

Susan O.,

For more than twenty years, Carpet Works has provided me with quality carpet care for my home and rental properties.

Their Quality  Service included timeliness, maintain appointments,  thoughtfulness working with clients, and thorough cleaning of carpets.

A very grateful Dr. Z,